About LandFarmsSale

LandFarmsSale.com is a portal for buyers and sellers of both full-time and part-time farms in Denmark. The site provides an overview of the many properties for sale in Denmark from all the portal's agricultural brokers.

With LandFarmsSale.com, it has never been easier to search for agricultural properties for sale in Denmark regardless of type. LandFarmsSale.com is a website for agricultural property search and the site makes it easy for potential buyers to find properties in their area and choose exactly the type of property they are looking for. Choices include dairy farms, arable farms, agricultural properties, pig farms, forest and nature properties, recreational properties, and many more.

LandFarmsSale gives users a complete overview of the properties currently for sale among all the site's agricultural brokers and if you want to take a closer look at specific properties, you are automatically directed to the real estate agent's page via a click on the link.

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LandFarmsSale.com has full integration with C&B Systems. This means you can choose exactly the properties from C&B Systems you want advertised on LandFarmsSale.com.

The price per property is 625.00 DKK (~70 GBP), plus VAT and there is no time limit on how long properties can be online on LandFarmsSale.com.

If you would like more information about LandFarmsSale.com and how you can advertise on www.LandFarmsSale.com, you can contact us by writing directly to mikkel@l-mediehus.dk

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